In October we placed these tiny moccasins in a geocache just north of La Ronge. There is also a geocoin in the cache, but after the snow flies, it seems that the geocachers from the south don't make their way up here. I'm not complaining, but I may have to retrieve a few items myself and carry them to a geocache located in a more active area. Our intention is to have the tiny moccasins make their way to New Zealand. The "Tiny Tracks" geocache can be found on the geoaching.com website. The postal code for this area is s0j 3g0. The geocaching search engine will load all of the caches in this area. Ahhh.......another reason to get out there and breathe some more fresh, clean boreal forest air. Some of us are more fortunate than others in having access to cleanwater and clean air. I would prefer this to remain an undiscovered secret, but the ravages of economic progress, energy and resources demands will dictacte the eventual demise of every natural resource on this planet.
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